1.1 mi loop 30 min
118 ft Easy
While the hike itself is very easy, actually getting there can be a challenge. The trailhead to Fern Canyon lies at the end of a very windy, very dusty, and very unpaved 6 mile-long narrow gravel road. You will also have to cross a small stream, where I've seen several smaller cars turn around. Personally, I've managed to make it there and back on two separate occasions, and in two different sedans, without flooding my engine, but it is obviously a risk you'll have to consider if your car isn't built for off-roading or has very low clearance.

That being said, Fern Canyon is absolutely beautiful and I highly recommend making the trek out there at least once in your lifetime.

Things to Know
During winter, the ferns that make the dripping walls of this canyon so spectacular turn brown, and the hike is often closed due to risk of flooding.
During the summer months, wooden foot bridges are installed and there are lots of logs you can use to cross; however, you will be hiking through a wide, shallow stream bed, so there's still a good chance of getting your feet wet. I recommend wearing waterproof boots or sandals for this hike.
Fern Canyon is a microclimate, so conditions may be very different from the rest of the park. Remember to check the Redwood National and State Parks website for road and trail conditions, as well as detailed driving directions.

I gotta say, I liked your little fun facts about the hike! Hiking was definitely something I loved doing, but I kinda stopped. But this post got me feeling inspired to go on another hike soon lol. Fern Canyon looks beyond beautiful! Also, thanks for your insight about the drive there, I've had my fair share of terrible driving experiences just going to some hikes. The next time I'm up in NorCal, this hike is for sure going on my to do list.